Join Us for 21 Days!

Beginning January 5, you’re invited to join Pine Hills in a church-wide 21-day time of intentional prayer and fasting that promises to energize your prayer life, enlarge your understanding of your wealth in Christ, and enrich your intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

Fasting and prayer can also bring about more than just personal transformation. When God’s people practice biblical fasting and prayer, God hears from heaven and can heal our lives, our churches, our communities, our nations, and our world. Fasting and prayer can bring about revival!

Our hope is that God will bring spiritual breakthrough in areas where you’re desiring it and that you will experience His love and presence deeper than you’ve ever felt it before. We encourage you to take this journey with us and to see what God can do in the next three weeks!


Prayer is a biblical discipline and spiritual habit that directly and instantly connects us to God, allowing us to deepen our dependence on Him and strengthen our faith. When we pray, we surrender ourselves through faith to put everything in God’s hands.

Our relationship with him is personal, and the act of prayer creates intimacy with Him. We know our Heavenly Father hears us and is in relationship with us. For this reason, we pray in confidence knowing that our prayers are powerful, and God can work in our lives in powerful ways.


The primary purpose of fasting is to become more like Jesus by drawing closer to the heart of God. This discipline allows us to break the power of the flesh in our life – our desires, sins, and cravings – and to feed on the Holy Spirit.

Biblical fasting can be defined as abstaining from food for spiritual purposes. Simply going without food because it is not available or for medical reasons is not biblical fasting. There must be a spiritual motivation to qualify a fast as biblical.

It’s important to ensure you’re listening to both the Holy Spirit and your own body in the way you fast. There are many ways to ensure you’re getting the physical nourishment you need while still enjoying the spiritual benefits fasting and prayer offer.

Fast Types

There are different types of fasting, and we recommend prayerfully considering which practice is best for you and researching them prior to starting. Please consult with your medical providers prior to any physical fast to ensure you are remaining healthy and safe.

Drinking only water or juice and refraining from solid food.

Abstaining from specific kinds of food.

A specific form of a partial fast. Learn More

Consuming only liquids for a specific period of time.

Choosing to abstain from social media, TV, and other technologies for a specific period of time.

21-Day Resources

As a church, we always love to provide supplemental resources to help us on our journey. We’ve put together a collection of books that will challenge, motivate, and encourage you over the next three weeks as we read, pray, fast, and go deeper in our walk with the Lord.

Visit the resource corner in our lobby to purchase a book.

Nights of Prayer

Join us for a time of worship, guided prayer, and response as we gather to seek God’s face; listen to what he wants to say to his church; and respond to what he communicates. Come expecting!

Night of Prayer → January 5 • 6PM
Night of Prayer → January 12 • 6PM
Night of Prayer → January 19 • 6PM


We’ve accumulated the most asked questions from last year’s fast and done our best to answer them accordingly. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out by using the contact form below.
