There are a variety of opportunities for men to connect here at Pine Hills:

  • Men’s Gathering – Join us quarterly for a time of connection, conversation, and worship.
  • Bible Study – Join us on Wednesday nights as we study scripture, at 6:30pm in the Connection Pointe. We’ll dig into the Word together & discuss it. No need to sign up; just show up! Oh, and bring your Bible!
  • Build Groups – Check out the list of available Build Groups by visiting here.
  • Mentorship Ministry – The Men’s Mentorship Ministry is about connecting individuals who want to learn + grow to other men who are gifted, skilled, experienced, and spiritually mature. Growth through discipleship is our main goal. You can meet with your mentor once a week or bi-weekly. You are welcome to focus your time on discipleship, topic of growth or Bible Study, or whatever the Spirit has laid on your heart to grow in.
    Interested in mentorship?
  • Man Camp is an annual trip up to Miracle Camp that is a fantastic time to enjoy fellowship with other men + train our hearts to be biblical men. Stay tuned for information for the next trip.
  • Social Media – Join our Facebook Group to stay in the loop with the various things happening across Men’s Ministry.
  • Serving – We encourage men to serve, not only within the walls of Pine Hills, but out in the community as well. We have food drives, work days, mission trips, and many other opportunities through our Love in Action initiatives.

If you have any questions or need information about Men’s Ministry here at Pine Hills, please feel free to contact us: [email protected]