By the grace of God, Pine Hills Church continues to grow, both spiritually and numerically. We couldn’t be more excited to see God’s kingdom expand in our little corner of the world. But to support our increasing church body, and fulfill our vision, our facility must expand, too.

When we think about the opportunity to expand, we envision a house where our church family will grow and take monumental steps in our faith. A house where brothers and sisters in Christ work together, with no limit to what we can accomplish for the Kingdom.

Bringing this vision to life begins by Making Room—in our hearts, in our house, in our finances, and in our lives.


Kids Ministry Space

Our Kids wing has been completely redesigned to better facilitate the needs of our ever-growing community. A few features include a 250-seat ministry venue with six attached classrooms, better access to restrooms, and enhanced security.

Indoor Playland

We’re introducing a brand new space to Pine Hills that will be open daily for community building and provide an exciting place for kids to run around.

Lobby + Ministry Areas

The lobby expansion will provide an additional 6,000 square feet of space, as well as new gathering spaces for classes and events.

Offices + Maintenance Building

By redeveloping our offices, we’re able to add new meeting spaces, private counseling rooms, and collaboration areas for our teams.







When an entire church family stands united in reaching a goal, the result can transform communities. We believe that every individual can give their time, talents, and treasure toward this vision for growth. Full participation from our church family is a big ask, but we know it’s possible. And it begins with you.

55% of families have participated





The projected timeline is indicated below. We hold this with open hands due to a variety of factors in a project this large.

  • Groundbreaking Ceremony April 7th
  • Phase 1A – Lobby Renovation – April 15th – July 31st
  • Phase 1B – Kids Playland – August 1st – TBD
  • Phase 2 – Elementary Wing & Staff Offices – April 22nd – December 14th
  • Phase 3 – Early Childhood Renovation – December 15th – March 28th, 2025
Beginning April 15th, we will be using the East and West entrances. Families who have children attending Kids ministry on Sundays will use the east entrance. Everyone else will use the west entrance as the main entrance into the building. We will have staff, greeters, and security helping assist you!
There will be a temporary hallway between each end of the church for congregants to access the Worship Center and the kids ministry wing. We will have staff, greeters, and security ready to assist you as needed!

PLEASE NOTE: Only parents with children, or a child tag will be allowed in the east side of the building.

Connecting with others and building community is still a priority during construction! We have a large tent in front of our building to provide an intentional space where you can come hang out before and after services and enjoy fellowship with the Pine Hills Family. Our team will be readily available to meet new guests and stay connected with everyone in between.
All new guests are invited to join us in the tent where our Connect team will be stationed. Additionally, all of our staff and greeters at both entrances are ready and equipped to create a wonderful first-time experience even in the midst of construction. If you’re visiting for the first time, click HERE to let us know you’re coming and we will be prepared for you!
We plan to keep the parking functioning as it currently does.
Absolutely! You can use the west entrance carport to drop guests off. Handicapped parking spots are located close to the west entrance door. Our parking team will be happy to assist you!

Of course! We will offer free carafes of coffee inside the building.

Our Essentials, Hills, and Membership classes are all postponed during construction. However, you’re invited to join us in the tent for “Meet the Team” on the 1st Sunday of each month, following our Sunday gatherings. This is a great opportunity for those who are newer to Pine Hills to connect with our staff and for us to learn more about you!

Both of our dropboxes will still be available for use. You can also give online.

That is a great question! Please feel free to use the verbiage below:

By the grace of God, Pine Hills Church is growing at record speed, both spiritually and numerically. Every week, more and more families attend our services, connect with our congregation, and get involved in our ministry efforts. As of now, we typically serve about 1,500 people per weekend!

We couldn’t be more excited to see God’s kingdom expand in our little corner of the world. But to support our increasing church body, our church facility must expand, too. When we think about the opportunity to expand, we envision a house where our church family will grow and take monumental steps in their faith. A house where brothers and sisters in Christ will work together, with no limit to what they can accomplish for the Kingdom. A house where every member—new or old—feels equipped to serve and share the love of Jesus.