Local Partners
Abbett Elementary School
Abbett is a Title I school and offers the English Language Learners program. The school participates in the Blessings in a Backpack program, which provides students with food to take home over the weekend. Students attending Abbett feed into Lane Middle School and South Side High School. The school is located in the Board of School Trustees District 4.
Global Partners
Africa Church Planting Initiative
Capacitating indigenous leaders to bring the gospel to rural African villages through planting sustainable, reproducing churches and fostering economic development by launching small, profitable businesses.
As of the summer of 2022, ACPI has planted 31 plants across Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, and Botswana!
FEC: Basque Country
Basque Country is ancient, unique, complex, and needs Jesus.
Our desire is to see a disciple-making movement happen in the Basque Country through the multiplication of communities produced by Christ-following Basque people. We don’t seek to create an institution, but rather to see people come to a genuine love for Jesus and meet together in simple ways without the involvement of institutions, money, and hierarchy.
Kolkata Christian Fellowship
Kolkata Christian Fellowship as part of the body of Christ exists to serve the urban community in the city of Kolkata through Biblical Relationships, Neighborly Love, Evangelism, Kindness, Social Action, and Reform based on Biblical truths, while encouraging people to grow in their faith for the glory of God.
Solid Rock International
Solid Rock International is a Christian non-profit 501(c)3 organization focused on transforming the body, mind, and soul of the poor in the Dominican Republic. Their desire is to holistically serve the poor of the Dominican Republic by providing health to the sick, bread to the hungry, education to the illiterate, assistance to the needy, and proclaiming the Kingdom of God.