Seasoned Adults Events

ONE Together

3rd Wednesday – Monthly | 12PM

OFFSITE → Contact Linda Richmond for details

ONE TOGETHER group is meant to be a safe space of fellowship for seasoned women living alone where they are able to support one another through community and fellowship. Join us for our first gathering – Lunch will be provided!

Valentine’s Fellowship

February 12 | 12PM

This month’s Valentine’s Day celebration will be a great time of food, fun, and fellowship! Mindy Cranmer will be our guest speaker, and PHC will provide a delicious Italian meal. We’ll also sing some favorite hymns together. Join us and feel free to bring a dish, dessert, or snack to share!

St. Patrick Fellowship

March 12 | 12PM

This month’s gathering is all about St. Patrick Fellowship! We’ll share a delicious meal (PHC is bringing soup and sandwiches), enjoy wonderful fellowship, and lift our voices together with a few classic hymns. To add to the fun, we’re asking everyone to bring a dish, dessert, or snack to share—a great way to make this event even more special!