
Sent to multiply like Jesus.

Equipping and mobilizing the PHC body for active engagement


people sent on global trips


given to local and global outreach


global church plants in two continents


To learn more about our partners and ways to get involved, check out some of the regular opportunities on the Local and Global outreach pages:

Abbett Holiday Drive

Engage My City


Our goal is to engage locally and globally in meaningful ways all year long. Check out the calender for all upcoming trainings, trips, and church-wide initiatives.


Training is an important part of equipping the PHC body to be Bible-driven, Jesus-centered, and Spirit-led when sent out into active engagement.

Discover Your Unique Calling

Empowers individuals to be sent into their primary calling of making disciples by identifying and fulfilling their unique calling.

mission trip training

Prepares individuals who are interested in global outreach to engage spiritually, missionally, relationally, and culturally before participating in mission trips.

surrendered leadership

Equips individuals to lead themselves and others by applying biblical, relevant, and transferable leadership principles to their unique context.

We all have the call to make disciples of Jesus that multiply, but the context in which we do this is unique to each of us.